Bitget Supported Countries | Does Your Country Qualify?
Mike Harry
Feb 2024
5 min read
Fact checked
Introduction: Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers over 450 cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and many others. In this guide, we will provide an overview of which countries are supported and which are prohibited from using the Bitget exchange. Keep reading and discover if your country is supported to use this fast growing exchange!
eToro USA LLC: Investments are subject to market risk. Including the possible loss of principal. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest.
Bitget Supported Countries
Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2018 and has rapidly expanded its user base to over 8 million people across 100 different countries.
Bitget Supported Countries
After making its official entry into the crypto derivatives market in 2019, Bitget has risen to become a global leader in the realm of crypto copy trading and derivatives exchanges.
Renowned crypto price tracking websites CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko consistently place Bitget among the top five worldwide exchanges in terms of derivatives trading volume.
Besides offering a wide range of derivatives products, Bitget also offers spot trading for over 450 cryptocurrencies and low trading fees.
Bitget has successfully marked its presence in numerous countries and offers traders a platform that's both robust and intuitive.
At the time of writing, Bitget is available across most countries across Europe like Germany, France, United Kingdom as well as South America and Asia which the exception of certain countries.
Bitget Banned Countries
Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange that operates globally. However, there are certain countries that are restricted or banned from using the platform.
In terms of the countries that are totally banned from using Bitget's services, these include countries such as:
As per the exchange's terms and conditions, residents of the United States, Singapore, Canada (Ontario, Quebec), Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Crimea are prohibited from using Bitget.
For users in the United States and Canada that wish to signup and quickly invest in crypto via regulated platforms we recommend using eToro and Uphold.
Bitget Restricted Countries
Additionally, the exchange may restrict access to users from other countries or regions based on compliance with local regulations and laws. This include countries such as:
Republic of Seychelles
Republic of Congo
Countries with restricted access simply means that residents or citizens from these countries do not have access to all the product and features such as futures trading and leverage.
Is Bitget Regulated?
Bitget is a reputable digital asset exchange that is licensed and regulated in multiple countries.
The exchange is authorized and regulated by the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Additionally, Bitget is also registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the United States Department of the Treasury.
These regulatory bodies ensure that Bitget operates in a compliant and transparent manner, providing a secure and reliable platform for traders to buy, sell, and store their digital assets.
Is Bitget available in the US?
At the time of writing, Bitget is not available to residents in the United States. Users who attempt to signup from the US will be IP restricted from signup up.
While users can use a VPN to bypass the IP restrictions, they will not be able to complete the KYC in order to access all the features of the exchange.
For Americans that wish to use a safe and FinCEN-regulated exchanges to invest in 1,000s of digital assets, we recommend signing up to eToro or Uphold.
These are beginner friendly platforms that allow US citizens to quickly and safely deposit funds in order to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Bitget is not authorised to operate in the United States as the exchange has not applied for or received the necessary licenses.
To operate in the United States, exchanges have to apply for and receive approval from multiple licenses from among other agencies, FinCEN.
Can you use Bitget in the US?
While Bitget is not authorised to operate in the United States, there are still Americans who use VPNs to bypass Bitget's IP restrictions.
This allows them to signup with a basic email and deposit cryptocurrencies in order to conduct crypto-to-crypto trading.
These users won't have access to all of the services offered by Bitget as they will not be able to pass the KYC process.
Can I use Bitget in Canada?
Bitget is a global cryptocurrency exchange that had previously secured licensed that allowed it to operate in Canada. That is however no longer the case and as such, citizens in Canada can not signup and use the services offered by Bitget.
For Canadian residents, we instead recommend signing up to Uphold as that is regulated by FINTRAC in Canada and offers a wide range of over 300 cryptocurrencies.
Can I use Bitget in the UK?
UK citizens are allowed to signup and use the trading services offered by Bitget even though at the time of writing, Bitget is not regulated by FCA in the UK.
Is Bitget Legal in the UK?
At the time of writing, Bitget has not received a licensed to operate in the UK from the FCA and as such, is not regulated to promote it's services in the country.
eToro USA LLC: Investments are subject to market risk. Including the possible loss of principal. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest.