Bitget Exchange Review | Does It Live Up to the Hype?
Jack Moreau
Feb 2024
10 min read
Fact checked
Introduction: Looking to dive into the world of cryptocurrency trading but not sure where to start? With so many exchanges out there, it can be overwhelming to know which one to choose. Enter Bitget, in this review, we'll take a deep dive into Bitget's features, trading fees, user experience, deposit methods and more. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let's explore Bitget together!
Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2018 and is registered in Seychelles. With over 1000 employees, it is available in 100 countries and is a popular choice for primarily European and Asian traders looking for a versatile platform to trade cryptocurrencies.
Bitget Exchange
The platform is licensed by FinCEN and MSB in the US and Canada and MAS in Singapore, making it a trustworthy and transparent exchange. Bitget has over 20 million users and is a top 5 derivatives platform by trading volume.
Bitget License & Compliance
The platform offers 450 cryptocurrencies for trading, providing a wide range of options for traders to choose from. The platform also offers a number of advanced trading tools, including leverage trading, which can be attractive to experienced traders.
Bitget App
Bitget KYC Requirements
Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange that requires KYC verification for all users who want to buy crypto with fiat or deposit fiat.
Bitget signup process
The signup process is quick and easy as users only need to enter their email, password and then fill in the verification code sent to their email.
The KYC verification process on Bitget typically takes a few minutes to complete as users will need to provide their full name, date of birth, country of residence, address and upload a valid government ID.
Bitget KYC Verification
A face verification is also necessary which involves scanning your face to ensure that you are indeed the person you are claiming to be. Bitget then verifies users within 60 minutes on average but can take longer in some cases.
This is a reasonable timeframe considering the security measures that need to be taken to protect users' personal and financial information.
No crypto or fiat deposits are possible without being approved and the same goes for P2P trading. Once verified however, users can enjoy full access to the exchange's features, including spot and futures trading.
Bitget Products & Services
Bitget is a cryptocurrency trading platform that offers a range of services including spot trading for over 500 cryptocurrencies with the main trading pairs being USDT, USDC, BTC, ETH and fiat.
Bitget Spot Trading
In addition to spot trading, Bitget also offers over 100 perpetuals including USDT-M, USDC-M and Coin-M with over 125X leverage in both cross and isolated positions.
Bitget Perpetual Trading
Margin trading is also available for over 100 cryptocurrencies with 3X leverage for cross margin and 10X for isolated margin.
In terms of trading volumes, Bitget frequently average spot trading volumes above $500 million per day and futures volumes of over $5 billion per day. This makes Bitget a top 10 exchange in terms of futures trading.
Bitget Crypto Markets
For beginners that prefer to user bots to help them trade, Bitget offers multiple trading bots including spot grid, futures grid, auto-invest, dynamic rebalancing, spot martingale and spot/futures CTA.
Bitget Copy Trading
Besides a wide range of trading products, Bitget also offers financial products such as lending and borrowing of digital assets as well as staking for a wide range of cryptocurrencies like SOL, USDT and others.
Bitget Earn
These products enable users to earn interest on assets that they hold on the platform without having to do anything.
Bitget has also recently acquired the BitKeep Wallet which they rebranded to Bitget Wallet for users that prefer a non-custodial experience.
Bitget Wallet
The user experience on Bitget is quite nice and offers a clean and modern interface without overwhelming the user.
Bitget Dashboard
While there are a lot of product and features to get accustomed to, the well designed interface makes it easy for beginners to navigate around the platform.
If you're looking for a cryptocurrency exchange with low trading fees, Bitget might be the perfect choice for you. Bitget charges a 0.1% spot maker fee and a 0.1% spot taker fee, making them one of the more affordable options on the market.
Bitget spot fees
And for users that trading using Bitget's GBG token, they will receive an additional 20% discount on their spot trading fees.
When it comes to futures trading, Bitget also offers competitive fees. They charge a 0.02% maker fee and a 0.06% taker fee, which is in line with other exchanges like Bitget vs Binance, Bitget vs Kucoin and Bitget vs Bybit.
Bitget Futures Fees
Additionally, Bitget offers margin trading with a 0.02% fee for opening a position and a 0.06% fee for closing it. This makes them a great choice for traders who want to take advantage of leverage.
Compared to many other exchanges, Bitget's fees are on the lower side so If you're looking for an exchange with low cost trading fees, Bitget is definitely worth checking out.
Bitget offers multiple deposit options for users that wish to deposit fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies or use their credit/debit card to buy cryptocurrencies.
To begin, Bitget has enabled support for five fiat currencies including EUR, GBP, RUB, UAH and BRL. For EUR, SEPA deposits are available free of charge with arrival times within 1-2 days.
Bitget Fiat Deposits
For those that wish to deposit GBP, they can do so with Faster Payments with zero fees and instant arrival times. RUB and UAH can be deposited at zero cost via Advcash while BRL is supported via PIX Bank Transfers at 0% fee.
Besides fiat deposits, users can also purchase cryptocurrencies using credit or debit cards with support for many more fiat currencies.
Bitget Buy Crypto With Credit Card
Bitget supports over 40 fiat currencies for buying crypto with a credit or debit card, making it a convenient option for plenty of users around the world.
This added convenience also comes with higher commissions that can range between 2-10% depending on the fiat currency being used and the cryptocurrency being purchased.
Bitget Third-Party Providers
Bitget also collaborates with third-party providers like Simplex, AlchemyPay, Banxa and Mercuryo which also allows users to use their credit/debit cards to buy cryptocurrencies.
Bitget P2P Trading
For those that wish to buy and sell cryptocurrencies P2P-style, that is also available on Bitget for a wide range of fiat currencies and for the main cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, USDT and USDC.
How to withdraw from Bitget?
Users on Bitget are of course able to withdraw the same five fiat currencies that they are able to deposit. This includes withdrawing EUR via SEPA and 0.5 EUR withdrawal fee and GBP via Faster Payments for a 0.5 GBP fee and instant arrival time.
Bitget Fiat Withdrawals
RUB and Ukranian UAH can be withdrawn with Advcash with a 2% and 10% transaction fee. Finally, BRL withdrawls are free of charge via PIX Bank transfer and arrive instantly.
Users can of course also withdraw their cryptocurrencies from the platform with differing fees depending on which coins are withdrawn. For example, Bitget charges 3 USDT for ERC-20 USDT withdrawals and 0.0005 BTC for Bitcoin withdrawals.
Is Bitget Safe?
Bitget places a strong emphasis on security, offering a multi-layered approach to ensure users' accounts and transactions are safeguarded.
One of the primary security measures is Two-Factor Authentication, which can be activated using phone number verification. This method utilizes phone verification codes to bolster account and transaction security.
In the interest of heightened security, any change to the bound phone number results in the temporary disabling of payment and withdrawal functions for 24 hours.
Bitget Security Features
Similarly, email verification serves the same purpose, sending codes to users' emails to authenticate transactions and account changes. As with the phone number, modifying the bound email also leads to a 24-hour suspension of payment and withdrawal.
For those seeking an additional layer of security, Bitget recommends the use of Google Authenticator. This tool generates time-sensitive codes, further fortifying account and transaction protection. Again, any alteration to the bound Google Authenticator pauses payment and withdrawal for a day.
Bitget also offers advanced security measures. Users set a login password that not only ensures account access is restricted but also secures transactions.
Any change to this password triggers the same 24-hour suspension of financial functions. Another feature is the fund code, which operates similarly to the login password in terms of its security implications.
A unique feature is the withdrawal whitelist. When activated, users can only withdraw to pre-approved, whitelisted addresses, adding an extra layer of protection against unauthorized withdrawals.
Bitget also employs an anti-phishing code mechanism. This means that every email sent by Bitget to its users contains a specific code, ensuring that the communication is genuinely from the platform and not a phishing attempt.
Bitget Proof Of Reserves
Bitget also employs the "Proof of Reserves" mechanism to ensure transparency and security for its users. This system guarantees that Bitget will always hold 100% of the users' assets in reserves.
Bitget Proof of Reserves
To maintain transparency and prove its adherence to this commitment, Bitget publishes its Merkle Tree proof and the platform's reserve ratio every month.
The reserve ratio is calculated by dividing the platform's assets by the users' assets. A result greater than or equal to 100% indicates that Bitget has the necessary reserves to cover all user assets.
As of the last snapshot taken on October 10, 2023, the total reserve ratio stood at an impressive 207%, showcasing that Bitget holds more than the required assets in BTC, ETH, USDT, and USDC.
Bitget Reserve Ratio
The Merkle tree, a data structure used in this context, is generated from all balances and consists of 24 layers with 6,574,791 records.
This procedure provides a layer of transparency, assuring users of the existence of on-chain reserves that either match or exceed their total holdings on the platform.
Users can then verify their assets presence in the Merkle tree by checking the total amount of user assets stored in the Merkle tree leaf nodes.
Bitget is one of the leading exchanges in the world and they offer a wide range of products and services that cater to beginners and professionals alike.
They offer a wide range of over 500 cryptocurrencies and 100s of perpetual contracts with low trading fees of only 0.1% for spot and 0.2%-0.6% for futures. These is a very competitive offering that can
The platform also offers a wide range of additional products including earn products, staking rewards, trading bots, a Web 3 Wallet and much more.
This is without a doubt an exchange that is continuously improving it's products and services and that's the reason why it's one of the fastest growing exchanges on the market.
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Jack Moreau
Jack is a crypto writer and reviewer who has been active in the space since he caught the crypto bug in 2017. With a passion for trying out new shiny things, Jack is always eager to try the latest cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets or DeFi applications.